Facebook Event Page
MAY 28 HOLE IN THE SKY DC ~BACK AT IT AGAIN~ H O M O S U P E R I O R (WDC :: aggro angels of queerpunk) https://homosuperior.bandcamp.com/ HIRS (PHL :: LGBTQIA anti-authoritarian thrash) https://hirs.bandcamp.com/ Romantic States (BAL :: expansive skeletal pop duo) https://romanticstates.bandcamp.com/ Lowest Priority (SEA :: youthcrew nwhc punk grrls) https://lowestxpriority.bandcamp.com/ MOCK IDENTITY (WDC :: new new ft mem Antonia, Insect Factory, Supersonic Piss) tiny.cc/hits528 DZ TAPES
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DANCE & PHYSICAL THEATRE • CONTEMPORARY A performance art work on the myth of Persephone. Each show is created in collaboration with a different artist, for varying interpretations of worship, sex, autonomy, violation, cycle, loss and return. The girl goddess causes the seasons. 7/11 10:00 PM FORT FRINGE: BEDROOM To see the FB Event PG then click the Title of this post. To see more art by the ever talented Eames then check out their website at : http://www.eamesarmstrong.com/ To read a review of the event then check out this link: http://dcmetrotheaterarts.com/2014/07/12/capital-fringe-2014-review-persephone/ AuthorI'm always taking pictures and rarely get to share with everyone what it is that excites me around my world that isn't art related. So, here are samples of the events I photograph and moments that have happened in my life. ArchivesCategories |